Playground is a private group chat for design founders. There are two rules: 1. if you’re not active, you’re kicked out, 2. everything we share stays confidential. Each new member is co-opted by the rest of the group. Apply with your portfolio link.

  • There are just a handful of people in the world who are creating and living from the digital products they create. I wanted to be with them, to find my tribe, and share my secrets and processes.

  • Playground is a private chat for twenty playful product creators. Mutual growth is what I'm here for.

  • Playground is my space to get feedack on my prototypes and share intuitions about what might work or not.

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Shared industry news

A stream of the latest hot products and designs to stay in the know

Accountability deals

Commit to create and launch with another member

Feedback on early prototypes

We play with each other’s prototypes to build better products

Secrets, tactics & files sharing

Confidentiality & mutual trust allow us to open up to each other and share sssecrets

Collabs between members

All members are co-opted and top at their games. Playground is multiplayer

Work retreats

Every once in a while, we fly away to work in a beautiful place and make new friends

Shared virtual assistants

We share a pool of talented individuals to hire for small tasks

Mutual promotion

When it makes sense, we promote each other’s new products

Strategic calls and reviews

Every quarter or month, one of us takes the hot-seat to get feedback on their goals